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San Francisco in the sixties
 Article publié le 18 septembre 2016.


------- Message transféré -------
De : "Ken Knabb" <>
Date : 15 août 2016 23:50
Sujet : San Francisco in the Sixties (Rexroth)
A : "Bureau of Public Secrets" <>

Kenneth Rexroth’s complete columns for the San Francisco Examiner

In January 1960 the San Francisco Examiner offered Kenneth Rexroth

a job writing a weekly column. He accepted. The column proved popular

enough that he was soon asked to do two and eventually three per week.

All told, Rexroth wrote more than 760 columns for the Examiner until he

was fired in July 1967 (apparently due to a controversial article he wrote

about the American police).


During the last seven years I’ve been posting all of these columns, 50 years

after their original appearance. They’re now all online at my website.

Needless to say, they vary widely in topic and interest. Some offer
incisive commentary that remains astonishingly relevant on all sorts of
general issues — social, political, cultural, ecological. Others are more

dated, such as reviews of particular musical or theatrical performances.

I think you will find, however, that his remarks about even the most

ephemeral topics are full of amusing observations and perceptive
insights, and that the ensemble constitutes a unique and fascinating
chronicle of those eventful years.


Here are just a few of the hundreds of different topics he treats :


Beckett and Ionesco
Ferlinghetti, Ginsberg, and the Modern Jazz Quartet

In praise of amateur Shakespeare

The Civil Rights movement

The execution of Caryl Chessman

The HUAC riot

Merits and faults of the San Francisco Ballet

Kabuki theater

Chinese opera

The Tao of fishing

Japanese art

Aida and Ornette Coleman

Mathematical elegance and classic fiction

An appeal for Kenneth Patchen

Radio KPFA

The Peace Corps

The death of Hemingway

Rigoletto and Coltrane

Henry Miller

Pablo Casals at the White House

The San Francisco Mime Troupe

Golden Gate Park

Camping in the Sierras

Igor Stravinsky

The death of Marilyn Monroe

The Cuban missile crisis

Why not abolish Market Street ?

Brecht’s philosophy

The film Elektra

Victor Serge’s Memoirs of a Revolutionary

Diebenkorn at the De Young

The Kennedy assassination

H.L. Mencken

The Coit Tower murals

Tom Jones and The Ginger Man

Ideas for replanning the city

Charles Mingus


Greeks and Buddhists in Afghanistan

The Harlem riots

Mysticism, ethical and chemical

Wagnerian Tartuffery

The fall of Khrushchev

The Vatican Council

The Mafia invasion of North Beach

Proposals for Chinatown

The assassination of Malcolm X

Bob Dylan

Cowboy diplomacy

The strategy of peace

Wine – French versus Californian

The Watts riot


Harassment in Haight-Ashbury

Urban alienation renewal



Marxism and the persistence of alienation

The international cultural revolution

Camouflaging the rape of the environment

What I will miss in San Francisco [as he starts off on a nine-month trip around the world]

The crises in Germany

Wandering the streets of London

The Amsterdam Provos

Bolshevism as state capitalism

The arts of Finland

Sexual liberation in Denmark

Wandering the streets of Paris

The architecture of Gaudi

The undergrounds in Spain

Power struggle in Italy

Tintoretto and the Painters of Venice

The Italian Communist Party

Ruins of ancient Greece


Iran’s “two culture” peril


India’s political demoralization

Buddhism and Hinduism in India

Thai Buddhism


I plan to continue by posting all of Rexroth’s articles and columns for

the San Francisco Bay Guardian (1967-1972) and San Francisco magazine

(1967-1975). But meanwhile, you can now peruse the entire Examiner

series here :


The Bureau of Public Secrets website features writings by Ken Knabb,
Knabb’s translations from Guy Debord and the Situationist International,

and the Rexroth Archive (texts by and about the great writer and social

critic Kenneth Rexroth).
 Messages such as this are sent out very occasionally announcing the
latest additions to the BPS website. If you do not wish to receive such
announcements, please reply to this message with "NO THANKS" in
the subject line.

P.O. Box 1044, Berkeley CA 94701

"Making petrified conditions dance by singing them their own tune."


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2004/2024 Revue d'art et de littérature, musique

publiée par Patrick Cintas - - 06 62 37 88 76

Copyrights: - Le site: © Patrick CINTAS (webmaster). - Textes, images, musiques: © Les auteurs


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