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Fever Tree
 Article publié le 14 juin 2020.


A mandala of sorts—heart-flowers all upside-down and some grand finalé, introduced late ;

-----------------jasmine and small bees and then, an inevitable decline.

We were all like shy horses, appearing to sniff, nuzzle and sniff ;

-----------------but still, it was a mandala of sorts,

-----------------------------------and one leaf falling was enough for all of trinity.


Our gardens, both inside and out, love and provide for us, ask only that, in time

-----------------we ride the tide out to sea.

But now Jerusalem has fallen, so we have a few hours of time, at most.


Elderflowers soft and light burn us ;

-----------------pine needles separate and drift down, make the forest floor, make duff, make fever at night.

Then a yew tree flowers suddenly and unexpectedly ;

-----------------nothing at birth softens this very late understanding—

how interesting, the small steps that open up, lead across a chasm.


How all that green is the power of the will of prayer.

How breath is born of air.

How my breasts know everything.


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2004/2024 Revue d'art et de littérature, musique

publiée par Patrick Cintas - - 06 62 37 88 76

Copyrights: - Le site: © Patrick CINTAS (webmaster). - Textes, images, musiques: © Les auteurs


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